- Shot at 1/125th, F2.8 ISO 12800 on the Sony A7R II
- The first ever photo at my studio’s prep area. Everyone gets their picture taken there before they leave!
- The first official photo from Studio Room 2
- Just effortless beauty in available light.
- One of the easiest persons to take photos of I’ve ever met, Michelle.
- My friend Tara captured as sunlight pours into the warehouse one afternoon.
- My sister finally realizing it would be easier to just carry a lighter.
- My first shoot with the Sony A7R II, proving to me that insane low light photography is finally viable.
- The incredible, funny and gorgeous Angelica Charrupi, a person I’m lucky to call a dear friend.
- A shoot I did with the amazing Fionna Kerr, reminding us all that a powerful woman is a sexy woman.
- Hilary’s first ever professional shoot. Most assuredly not her last.
- Shot at 1/125th, F2.8 ISO 16000 on the Sony A7R II (noise removal software utilized in post)
- This little fella, my nephew Noah is going to be famous one day. The camera loves him way too much.
- Just ignore the religious symbolism here.
- Shot with the Sony A7R II, edited on the iPad Pro.
- A photo can change someones life. Or at least how they see themselves.